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  • kociovajana

☔ Worry and Anxiety kids yoga class

This week will be focus on how yoga and mindfulness can help us with worries and anxiety. Children are usually thought to recognise their emotions when they are at extreme (anger, excitement, happiness etc.). However, do we teach our children to notice the feelings that lead up to the extreme?!

We can teach children (and remind ourselves) to become aware of these subtle changes in mood and emotions. We can ask them, when they are excited about their new toy where in their body they can feel it? Do they have butterflies in their tummy? Another situation can be when they are getting upset how their tummy feels then, maybe tight?

Controlled breathing promotes calm and helps relax the body (releases muscle tension). Because of this, using deep breathing in day to day life is a great way of encouraging children (and us adults) to release stress and anxiety.

Taking time out from screens, distractions and the stresses of the day to look inwards and think about how we feel in the moment can help to manage anxiety. I use a lot 'Inside weather check' where children tune in and check how they feel weather-wise? For example, if they feel happy, then can say sunny; if they feel sad they can say instead rainy; if they feel angry they can say stormy.

Also many forms of exercise, including yoga, are said to have positive effects on stress, helping to release endorphins that reduce our feelings of anxiety and also trigger positive feelings. 

"Ruby's Worry" by Tom Percival will be our guide book this week.

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