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  • kociovajana

🐝 Kind

Kindness is more important today then it has ever been! We all can be more kind to each other, ourselves and nature around us. We will be exploring Kindness this week, through yoga poses, breathing exercises and remembering to be kind to ourselves too! The book of the week will be Kindness is my Superpower by Alicia Ortego. This amazing book offers children ideas how to be more kind and understanding why kindness is so important 💜💜 "Kindness is something anyone can learn: Give to others and ask nothing in return. Helping others is the best thing to do. When you are kind, kindness comes back to you." Research shows that happiness, compassion and kindness are the products of skills that can be learned and enhanced through training, thanks to the neuroplasticity of our brains. #bekind #kind #kindkids #kindness #kidsyogawithyana #kids #yoga #parents #yogaclub #childrensyoga #watfordyoga #yogapredeti #calmkids #kidsyogafun #kidsyogateacher #stjohnsschool #lanchesterschool

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